We are currently accepting Cash, Paypal, or Western Union.
For Canadian residents, please keep in mind that HST will be added onto your order.
Local pickup in Scarborough is preferred.
We will use Canada Post with tracking number to ship across long distances if desired, however you must pay the shipping and packing material fees.
Our Aegis Joystick Box is exclusively sold at I.T. Station.
For those that are ordering in the GTA, please visit I.T. Station located in Scarborough for a hands-on experience on our products. If you are planning to purchase joystick parts at I.T. Station, please place your order at sales@arcadepower.ca beforehand.
If you wish to provide your own picture for lamination, please send it to us in photoshop (.psd) format.
Since orders are entirely custom-made, please expect approximately 2 weeks for assemble time, not include shipping time.
Please visit I.T Station at:
2301 Brimley Road Unit #153, Scarborough ON, M1S 5B8, inside Chartwell Shopping Centre.
Store Hours: 1:00PM to 8:00PM daily.
Click on the map to view on Google Maps.
Feel free to email us at sales@arcadepower.ca regarding any questions about our products, design requests, or placing orders.